There is a large variety of benefits that the United States Army can offer you.  We have compiled a list here.  Ultimately you will have to talk to an Army Recruiter in order to find out if you qualify and what your goals are so we can tell you what we have to offer you.  Every individual is different on what they are looking for and what we can offer.  Just talking to an Army Recruiter does not mean you will join, it educates you and lets you know if you qualify to include tailoring a program designed for you.

For a detailed ACTIVE DUTY list click here

For a detailed ARMY RESERVE list click here

Benefits of the Army

There are many benefits in joining the army, but below are some of the key benefits of the Army. Benefits of the Army vary depending on whether you’re Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, etc. Below we list the Benefits of being an Active Duty soldier in the Army, however, a lot of the army benefits are shared between the reserve, active, and national guard.

Pay Allowances for Housing, Food, and US Army Clothing


When married and/or living outside the barracks on an Army post, the Army grants you a housing allowance based on the average cost of housing in your area. The Army will also give you extra money to pay for food for you and your family. In addition to all that, you get an annual clothing allowance which is intended for paying for military gear and equiptment. The clothing allowance is based on your time in service and your rank.  


Army College Funds, GI Bills, and College Benefits 


Another great benefit of the Army is that they will pay for you to go to school.


Steady Paycheck based on your pay grade


Never again will you have to wonder what your next paycheck will be, or when it will come. The Army pays it’s soldiers on the 1st and 15th day of each month, always. With some military-related banks such as USAA and Bank of America, you get paid a day early!

College Loan Repayment Program (LRP)


Have existing loans from where you had went to school before? The Army will help you get out of debt with their LRP.

Life Insurance Benefits of the Army


An Army benefit which most people cannot live without (no pun intended), is their life insurance. Depending on which plan you choose, you can be covered for up to $400,000 in life insurance if something were to ever happen to you, even in the US.

30 Days of Paid Leave Per Year


You accrue 2.5 days per month, every month. It really adds up! Save your days or use them when you need to for some well deserved vacation time! This is one of the best benefits of the Army and your accrual begins as soon as you sign the dotted line.

Legal Assistance Services


The Army benefits you with some of the best lawyers and legal assistance around. All for FREE. They are there, every day, ready to help you with your legal issues.

Relocation Assistance


Moving from place to place can be a hassle, but not with the Army. One great benefit of the Army is that they will move you, and all your stuff, from place to place for FREE. However, if you decide to move things yourself, the Army will reimburse you and even pay you extra for doing it yourself! Expect to profit a minimum of $1,000 when moving things yourself.

Retired Pay


For Active Duty Army, 20 years is all you need to retire. Join the Army at 18 and retire by 38, sounds good huh? Retirement is one of the more well-known benefits of the Army.

Specialized Skills Training


Depending on your MOS (army job), you will be taught skills that will benefit you in the civilian world, even grant you extra college credits!

TRICARE Medical and Dental 


In the list of great benefits of the Army, the greatest is probably the health insurance and dental. You, as a soldier get 100% free medical and dental for as long as you are in the Army. Your families can also benefit from this. Free medical for your family, and extremely cheap dental. As low as $12 per month will get you 75% dental coverage for your family in most cases! Can’t beat that!

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